Top 5 Foods for Your Voice

Considering what to eat before using your voice for music or for public speaking is necessary and important. In summary, keep your diet healthy and light. (And eat at least two hours ahead of using your voice so the food is digested past your stomach.) Here are the top five foods before using your voice.

  1. Leafy greens. Leafy greens are great for your body, and honestly you can’t get enough of them. Pretty much any leafy green will give you a generous supply of essential nutrients. The darker the green the better.

  2. True vegetables. True vegetables are defined as any piece of produce that does not have a seed. Pretty much any vegetable is on the menu before using your voice as long as it is consumed either raw or cooked in a healthy manner. These vegetables include for example broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, beans, peas, root vegetables, etc.

  3. Fleshy fruits and melons. Fleshy fruits are great for your voice because they are low in acid. Examples of fleshy fruits include peaches, nectarines, plums, avocados, squashes, cucumbers, papayas, mangoes, apples, grapes, cherries, pears, and many more. Remember to avoid citrus fruit and berries before using your voice.

  4. Whole grains. Whole grains are a healthier choice, especially using whole grain flour in bread and pasta products as opposed to bleached white flour. In general, consume grains including whole grain flour, oats, lentils, and rice that are brown in color as opposed to white in color. Exceptions to this color rule include Jasmine and Basmati rice. 

  5. Lean protein. When eating protein before using your voice, keep it lean and mean. Good options include fish, chicken, nuts, eggs, beans, and tofu. Avoid heavy red meat before using your voice because it will take too long to digest, require too much water from other parts of your body to break down, and has too much grease.


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