6 Benefits of Public Speaking
Public speaking has been reported as a greater fear among the general public than death, sharks, and snakes. Without focused practice and rehearsals in public speaking, even an expert in a given topic can be thrown off track by anxiety or nervousness in front of a live audience. However, for those who mastered the art of public speaking, the rewards can be greater than ever imagined.
Attract opportunities. Someone well-versed in public speaking is needed for leading the pitch of a new product; just as a radio station or TV network wants to cover a story that you’re involved with. Opportunities like this happen all the time, but they require the skill and passion of people who relish in public speaking.
Change your point of view. Practicing public speaking can change your point of you regarding it. Start by practicing with yourself in front of the mirror, and then move on to a small group of friends or family. You can then expand at your workplace and then, with time and consistency, be ready to take on full conferences in meetings. However fast or slow the process, your point of view regarding public speaking should, with practice, change from “I can’t” or “I won't'' to “I can” and “I will.”
Nurture self-confidence. There is no rush like the sound of applause aimed in your direction by a full room of people after a successfully delivered speech, presentation, or other onstage performance. It is a rush of competence, control, and power. This confidence will carry itself over into other aspects of your life. You might find yourself standing taller, being more direct in your words and actions, and standing up more firmly for yourself and what you believe in.
It is a lucrative skill. Being willing and able to speak in public effectively can prove a lucrative skill. Fairly new keynote public speakers can charge several thousand dollars as a speaking fee, while larger or most established names can command tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single speaking engagement. Career-wise, public speaking can give you an edge in securing raises or promotions with your current employer.
Strengthen leadership skills. By definition, the person who has the microphone in a crowded room commands the leadership of that space. Public speakers, performers, and onstage personalities have extraordinary power over their live audiences, and the effective use and channeling of that power can make for rather strong persuasion when presenting an idea, concept, or product. Here lies the potential for abusing the power that effective public speaking imparts on the speaker. Use this power of leadership wisely and sparingly.
Grow your sales and expand your business. Public speaking is an essential skill for growing your sales, fundraising, and expanding your business. Everyone in an organization from the CEO to vice presidents, from managers to salespeople can benefit from the professional and personal development afforded to them by public speaking. Connecting to your audience is always the key, and public speaking is one of the most effective ways to spread your message and story, and achieve the goals you’re aiming for.